Prosedur Membership IBH (The Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy)

Prosedur Pendaftaran dan Perpanjangan Anggota IBH (The Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy)

Persyaratan & Ketentuan:
  • Keanggotaan bersifat sukarela dan tanpa paksaan
  • Hanya mereka yang pernah mengikuti pelatihan dari CI IBH aktif yang dapat mendaftarkan diri menjadi anggota IBH
  • Terdapat 3 jenjang keanggotaan yaitu: Certified Hypnotist (CH), Certified Hypnotherapist (CHt), dan Certified Instructor (CI)
  • Iuran tahunan dibayarkan sesuai jenjang kualifikasinya
  • Keanggotaan dapat diperpanjang setelah masa berlakunya habis
  • Besarnya iuran tahunan dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu
  • Khusus untuk perpanjangan, iuran yang dibayarkan hanya jenjang tertinggi saja


Anggota Baru
Pendaftaran anggota baru dapat dilakukan melalui CI-IBH yang bersangkutan atau melalui kantor pusat dengan memberikan informasi berikut ini:
  • Nama lengkap
  • Alamat & Telpon
  • Alamat Email
  • Nomor Ponsel
  • Pengajar (CI-IBH)
  • Jenis Pelatihan
  • Tanggal Pelatihan
  • Tempat Pelatihan

Informasi tersebut di atas dapat di email ke alamat email yang tertera di bawah atau dibawa langsung ke sekretariat pusat.


Untuk perpanjangan, cukup informasikan nama lengkap dan nomor keanggotaan melalui email atau datang langsung ke sekretariat pusat.

Alamat Sekretariat Pusat:

Mindtech-Plaza Basmar Lt 3
Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya
Jakarta Selatan 12760

Telpon; 021-7990182, 7994248
CP: sdri Mey / sdri Nissa


Jika anda adalah seorang Certified Instructor dan ingin mendaftarkan peserta anda menjadi anggota IBH silakan klik disini.
Prosedur Membership IBH (The Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy) Prosedur Membership IBH (The Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy) Reviewed by Edi Sugianto on 17.57 Rating: 5

1 komentar:

  1. A panic attack arises when physical sensations such as heavy palpitations or faster breathing are considered life-threatening. This evaluation in turn leads to an increase in physical symptoms. This reinforcement increases the fear again, which increases the physical-vegetative signs of fear almost to intolerability. The vicious cycle is closed.
    Most anxiety attacks last between ten minutes and half an hour, but they can also last longer or shorter. During a panic attack, which reaches its peak within ten minutes, severe physical symptoms appear, which the sufferers experience as threatening.
    In addition to a sudden racing heart, chest pain, suffocation, nausea, sweating, trembling and dizziness, this is a feeling of experiencing yourself or the environment as strange and unreal, or the fear of fainting, dying or going crazy.
    Panic disorder: fear of further attacks
    If these severe anxiety attacks occur repeatedly, one speaks of a panic disorder. Because of the pronounced physical symptoms, many sufferers are convinced that they have a physical illness, especially heart disease, and therefore always seek confirmation of their suspicion from a doctor. Hypnotherapy for panic attacks


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